Got Tooth Decay? Finding Dental Care Tips Right For You

Did you just find out you've got some tooth decay? Learn about some dental care tips that can prevent the problem in the future.

Got Tooth Decay? Finding Dental Care Tips Right For You

Seal The Deal With A Dentist And Get Dental Sealants To Defend Against Cavities

1 December 2022
Dentist, Blog

Posterior teeth do not have flat surfaces, which is ideal because they are the teeth in the mouth that are responsible for chewing and crushing food.  Dentists refer to these teeth as back molars. They also know that cleaning these molars is more difficult because of their design and location. Back molars are prone to trapping food in their pits and grooves. If the food particles are not thoroughly brushed away, bacteria may settle and cause bad breath and tooth decay.
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The 5 Main Differences Between Overdentures And Fixed Dentures

27 October 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Traditional dentures can be difficult for some people to get used to because they move around and can even fall out at times. Two better alternatives are overdentures and fixed dentures. Both of these prostheses employ dental implants in the jawbone to stabilize the dentures. Although fixed dentures and overdentures serve a similar function, they do have some important differences, which this article will cover. 1. Overdentures are removable The biggest difference between overdentures and fixed dentures is that you can remove overdentures when you need to.
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Tips For Caring For Your Teeth After Whitening

26 September 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have an upcoming appointment for professional teeth whitening, it's likely that you're not happy with the overall color of your teeth and want to fix it. While professional teeth whitening can be a great way to give you a whiter smile, maintaining that smile is only possible if you follow the correct steps after the procedure. Here are some tips that you will need to know to do just that.
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4 Tips For Cleaning Your New Dental Bridge

22 August 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Do you need to have a dental bridge placed in your mouth? If so, you'll need to know how to keep the bridge clean. Even though they are fake teeth, there are real teeth and healthy gum tissue that support the dental bridge. Ignoring proper care can lead to gum disease, decay, and various other oral health problems. Here are some tips for cleaning your bride. Use A Floss Threader
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Thinking About Getting Dental Implants? Here Are The Benefits You Will Get From Them

18 July 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Replacing a missing or damaged tooth is the best way to restore complete dental function. The dentist might suggest several ways to restore the missing teeth. However, dental implants are the best permanent way to replace lost teeth. If you are on the fence about which method to choose, here are some reasons to consider dental implants.   It Will Prevent Changes in Your Face Shape Missing and unreplaced teeth can cause significant changes to the shape of your face.
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About Me
Got Tooth Decay? Finding Dental Care Tips Right For You

When it comes to my dental care, I only use the best toothbrushes, toothpastes and flosses. But sometimes, even after being vigilant and careful with my oral care, I experience problems like toothaches. Last year, I developed a small cavity in one of my back teeth. I didn't want to bother my dentist about it, so I simply took pain medications and hoped for the best. But after my jaw began to swell up, I sought professional dental help. My small cavity was actually a large hole filled with infection. I ended up having an extraction. Now, I visit my dentist as often as I can, because I can't afford to lose anymore teeth. I want to share my experiences with other people, so I created this blog. I offer tips on how to keep your teeth healthy and when to see a dentist. Thanks for visiting.
