
Did you just find out you've got some tooth decay? Learn about some dental care tips that can prevent the problem in the future.


Three Ways NSAIDS Affect Pediatric Oral Health

7 March 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are used in the management of mild to moderate pain in both children and adults. While considered safe when taken in recommended dosages, NSAIDs can lead to unwanted side effects, including abnormalities of the teeth and gums. If your child takes NSAIDs to manage chronic pain, a dentist for children should be consulted to determine if damage to your child's teeth or gum tissue has been sustained.
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Keep Those Teeth Healthy

1 March 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

While you already know that proper dental care and avoiding sugary foods are things that will help you to keep your teeth in good shape, there is also more you should know about oral care. There are also a lot of different habits that can lead to discolored, chipped, worn or otherwise messed up teeth. You want to make sure you are doing the best that you can to avoid any and all habits that can be taking their toll on your teeth in one way or another.
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2 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments You May Not Know About

1 March 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Are there issues that you have with your smile, but you are not sure what you can do about it? You may have heard about some basic cosmetic treatments, but hope to find a solution that you may not know about to give you better results. Before you seek a consultation from a dentist about fixing your teeth, know about these two treatments that could be an option for you.
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About Me
Got Tooth Decay? Finding Dental Care Tips Right For You

When it comes to my dental care, I only use the best toothbrushes, toothpastes and flosses. But sometimes, even after being vigilant and careful with my oral care, I experience problems like toothaches. Last year, I developed a small cavity in one of my back teeth. I didn't want to bother my dentist about it, so I simply took pain medications and hoped for the best. But after my jaw began to swell up, I sought professional dental help. My small cavity was actually a large hole filled with infection. I ended up having an extraction. Now, I visit my dentist as often as I can, because I can't afford to lose anymore teeth. I want to share my experiences with other people, so I created this blog. I offer tips on how to keep your teeth healthy and when to see a dentist. Thanks for visiting.
