
Did you just find out you've got some tooth decay? Learn about some dental care tips that can prevent the problem in the future.


Suffering From Gum Recession? Classic And New Options To Get Your Healthy Smile Back

13 November 2015
Dentist, Articles

There are several causes of gum recession, but the most common is advanced gum disease. If you have finally gotten your oral health back on track, but still have those recessed gums to show for your past oral-hygiene mistakes, then there are surgical techniques that can build your gum tissue back up where it needs to be to not only improve the appearance of your smile, but also eliminate the tooth sensitivity that can occur near the roots of your teeth where your gum tissue used to sit.
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Keeping Your Color: What To Do When You Get Stains Around A Crown

6 November 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you get a dental crown placed in a highly visible position, such as on your front teeth, matching its color to your natural tooth color will be important. Some technicians even go as far as placing light staining on the crown to help it match your natural teeth. While the crown may look perfect when it is first placed, over time your natural teeth will likely stain and change color, making the crown stand out in your mouth.
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Cosmetic Dentistry: Get Rid Of Your Calcified Plaque And Gummy Smile Now

3 November 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If excessive gum tissue and calcified plaque cover your teeth crowns, do something about your dental problems now. A cosmetic dentist solves both problems with gum contouring and tooth scaling. In addition, a cosmetic specialist can use laser technology to perform your treatments without pain or the risk of inflammation and infection. Here's how gum contouring and scaling work, as well as helpful tips you can use to avoid the issues in the future.
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Want To Avoid Dental Fractures? 2 Things You Need To Stop Doing Right Away

3 November 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you are like most people, you probably can't imagine biting into a piece of pizza or a candy bar and feeling one of your teeth chip apart. After all, since you care for those chompers, your teeth should stay healthy and strong, right? Wrong. Believe it or not, tooth fractures are currently the third leading cause of tooth loss amongst industrialized nations—and teeth are breaking in record numbers. If you want to avoid dental fractures of your own, stop doing these two things right away:
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5 Questions You Need Answered If Your Baby Is Teething

3 October 2014
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Many babies sprout their first teeth without too many problems. However, for the unfortunate ones that do experience discomfort, teething can be a very difficult process.  How Can I Tell If My Baby Has Problems Teething? Unfortunately, your baby can't tell you when they are in discomfort, and it's very easy to think they're crying for another reason. Therefore, you have to be on the look out for some of the following: 
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About Me
Got Tooth Decay? Finding Dental Care Tips Right For You

When it comes to my dental care, I only use the best toothbrushes, toothpastes and flosses. But sometimes, even after being vigilant and careful with my oral care, I experience problems like toothaches. Last year, I developed a small cavity in one of my back teeth. I didn't want to bother my dentist about it, so I simply took pain medications and hoped for the best. But after my jaw began to swell up, I sought professional dental help. My small cavity was actually a large hole filled with infection. I ended up having an extraction. Now, I visit my dentist as often as I can, because I can't afford to lose anymore teeth. I want to share my experiences with other people, so I created this blog. I offer tips on how to keep your teeth healthy and when to see a dentist. Thanks for visiting.
